Sunday, June 26, 2011

A great evening

Our first evening of live music was a great success & we owe a huge "thankyou" to everybody who turned up, with special mentions to :-
Hazel & her husband Bill for providing the music;
Louise for working like a demon in the kitchen ensuring the food was as sensational as always;
Everybody who attended, both from Costambar & out of town, specially those of you who brought their friends;
Elience & Cassandra for helping in the kitchen with the dishes.

1 comment:

  1. Mark and Louise: Congratulations and the best for you both. A place to dine and dance is exactly what many of us love....
    I will see you in October and in the meantime I will tell some of my friends that like the same and will be going later on to Costambar.

    Love... maria and Dan

    Received by email
